Thursday 8 March 2012

Don't Miss these oft-overlooked Spots When Spring Cleaning


Don't Miss these oft-overlooked Spots When Spring Cleaning

Spring is in the air and for many it's time for seasonal cleaning. The wood fibers can scratch equipment. Instead, gently wipe these surfaces using a microfiber or electrostatic cloth. " If you're feeling frustrated by a slow computer, consider downloading an application to aid you clean up your machine. Say 'Goodbye' to Dust Many electronics sit in the open, and this exposure means dust and grime.

While sorting out the closet may get top billing on your to-do list, cleaning and testing your home's detectors could save your life.

It's easy to overlook your home's electronics during a thorough top-to-bottom house cleaning.

Never use paper-based cloth to dust speakers, televisions and other electronics.

And don't forget to look behind stereo equipment and televisions to be sure vents and exhausts are free of dust and to clean connections of grime. com by clicking on "Performance Toolkit," and for purchase at BJs stores nationwide. Stay Safe Take this home maintenance opportunity to optimize your home's smoke, carbon monoxide and radon detectors. Replace the batteries on these devices and then use the test button to ensure they are working.

Bust PC Clutter

Internet browsing habits, application installations, and general daily use of your PC can clutter your machine, leaving it sluggish.

"Just like your car needs annual servicing, regular care and attention is essential to extending the life of your PC," said Richard Clooke, PC performance expert at PC Tools, a company that creates tools to improve the operation of personal computers.

If you're feeling frustrated by a slow computer, consider downloading an application to help you clean up your machine. The toolkit is available for download at www.

These detectors can easily get clogged with dust, insects and debris, affecting performance and sensitivity.

Compressed air, found at any PC store, works to rid keyboards of dust between and below the keys. With a soft brush attachment, gently vacuum this equipment to remove interior and exterior dust build-up. While sorting out the closet may get top billing on your to-do list, cleaning and testing your home's detectors could save your life. Spring is in the air and for many it's time for seasonal cleaning. While you're unlikely to forget your gutters or kitchen, there are numerous spots that are simple to overlook. pctools. But instead of investing in a whole new computer, you can tweak your current PC to save time and moneyin the long run. All those crumbs you discover may convince you to eat your lunches elsewhere! Never use paper-based cloth to dust speakers, televisions and other electronics. But because these items are delicate, you can't clean them as you would clean furniture or knick knacks. "For less than the cost of dinner out, you can rid your PC of unwanted clutter and return it to optimal performance.

Don't Miss these oft-overlooked Spots When Spring Cleaning

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 08/03/2012


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